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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Church is Pro-Hell

Pope Says Hell and Damnation Are Real and Eternal
The Times, London, in The Australian

Ok, I'm done. Honestly, I'm through. I just had a conversation about this very subject with my friend yesterday. I'm not sure if I'm going to end up "throwing the baby out with the bathwater." There might be some remnant or core of Christianity that I adhere to throughout my journey, but this concept of God holding people over the flames as a motivation for people to love Him baffles my mind. I don't understand how educated people in a world of science can continue to propogate this stuff week after week. The only reason I held on to it as long as did was that I never allowed my mind to contemplate an alternate worldview. When viewed from an objective vantage point, a lot of this stuff just sounds silly and begs the question how the church expects to be taken seriously and affect our culture positively. Well, maybe they don't. Maybe they could give a damn about redeeming the culture. After all, it's all going to burn up anyway. They're too busy getting people right for the next life that they've forsaken this one. That doesn't sound very Christ-like to me.

Why does everything have to be "us vs. them," insiders and outsiders? Why can't the focus be on the commonality of all of God's creation? Why can't the focus be on the immense love that embraces every person regardless of race, color, creed, or failure? Why can't the focus be on serving one another and lifting each other up to reach their full potential? Why can't the focus be on Jesus Christ who modeled for us what it is to be a human on this planet and set an example that we should follow?

I watched a documentary on Amma yesterday, called Darshan. She has been a Ghandi-like figure in India for more than 30 years. She is known mostly for hugging people. Seriously. She's embraced over 20,000 people in a day many times over. It's really something to watch. She teaches kindness to all people and creatures. She feeds the hungry and has established orphanages and hospitals all over India. She spends three to four months of each year on a road trip trying to see as many people as possible. It's amazing that you give hugs away and people line up by the thousands. Maybe Joel Osteen is on to something after all.

I think we've been too critical of the wrong people for too long. Have you noticed that Jesus reserved his sharpest criticism for the religious establishment of His day, those that claimed to be better than everyone else, those that claimed to be in the know? For the failures, the screw ups, the rejects, the untouchables, there was only grace... grace by the bucketfuls. He lifted people by believing the best in them and pointing them to a better life, to their potential. Wow, what a difference! But who am I to argue with established religious dogma?

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