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Monday, March 19, 2007

Casino Royale

I have seen many but not all James Bond movies over the years and generally have enjoyed them, at least up until Pierce Brosan, so I was a bit skeptical about a new Bond franchise featuring Daniel Craig, but I thoroughly enjoyed Casino Royale. The movie is a bit of a marathon; I think it was over 3 hours long but definately a must see. I think Daniel Craig is a slightly darker character than his predecessors and comes across more believable when interacting with the opposite sex. The first half hour is one of the most action packed I've seen, especially when you consider it's mostly acrobatic physical action without a bunch of explosions and hi-tech gadgets. The plot is very engaging, but just when you think the movie is over another twist develops. I think I anticipated the ending at least three different times after the first hour and a half. You definately get your money's worth out of this one. There are some major defining moments in the end that alter the Bond character and complicate him even further, which makes you anticipate a sequel. I'll be waiting.

1 comment:

Jared Funderburk, SIM CP said...

I also enjoyed Casino. I thought that it was sort of a throw back to the early years. I felt a bit nostalgic when watching this latest in the franchise. Daniel Craig was certainly more believable as a spy in general, less glamour more "spying". All around good one.

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