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Friday, August 11, 2006

Sin Cargo

I received my first ever credit card offer in español today. I suppose they thought I wasn't responding to the previous 100 offers because I couldn't read English. The first thing that caught my attention on the envelope was the bold phrase "Sin Cargo." Having just finished a blog entry on the unnecessary weight of religious baggage that we carry around, my mind first thought of the theological weight of such a phrase before I realized it wasn't English.

To my further amazement and sheer delight I found out, one Google search later, that the translation of the phrase is "without charge." Imagine that! Consider the weight of all the junk you carry around with you unnecessarily. No charge! The debt is already paid. So, why don't we just drop it already?

1 comment:

Jared Funderburk, SIM CP said...

Bunch of stowaways!

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