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Friday, April 27, 2007

Secco-Bertani Valpolicella

I had committed to merge my wine blog with this one but have been lax in posting tasting notes lately. I recently tried a new Italian wine, Secco-Bertani Valpolicella. I readily confess to being new to Italian and French wine. Varietal names have spoiled American wine newbies with their simplicity, and though I am a Cajun, my French is lacking and my Italian is worse. I'm familiar with Piedmont Moscato, Barbera d'Asti, and Barolo. Valpolicella is a new one for me, and I'm not even sure how to categorize it appropriately other than to say it's good stuff. It is reminiscent of a Chianti's lingering smoky finish but softer. It is mildly fruity and dry, which I like, with a rich spicy aroma. Overall, it's not a heavy wine, like Syrah, but somewhere between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. I had it with stuffed chicken marsala, and it paired well. For red meat I would still lean toward Cabernet Sauvignon or Chianti. Salute!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A New Earth Discovered

The mathematical probabilities long ago declared it a matter of not "if" but "when" other inhabitable planets would be discovered. There are old questions that are beginning to be answered; others will have to wait. Is there life out there? Definately. The discovery of a relatively near earth-like planet is an astounding discovery that is sure to be followed by many many more with exponential improvements in astronomy. Maybe there are just cockroaches roaming around on this one. Maybe there's just ocean life on a microscopic scale. Maybe there are lower lifeforms. But maybe somewhere a higher stage of evolution has taken place, and someone is asking the same questions we are.

I wonder because I have to, but do you think Jesus died for all of the other people living elsewhere in the universe? Did God send thousands of different Messiahs to each planet to give them each an opportunity to be "saved?" Are they all dying and going to hell because we haven't gotten missionaries there yet? Maybe we can turn the TBN satellites around and point into outer space. Maybe its just safe for some people to believe we're the only ones here. When your worldview clashes with reality, it's somehow easier on the conscience to deny reality rather than change your worldview. Were we to go backwards a couple thousand years, when people were separated by oceans rather than space, are the questions any different? Who's right? Who's wrong? Do we have an exclusive on truth? What's the worth of another person when they're different than you? Life hangs in the balance on how we answer.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I am glad today

I am glad today.
I am glad for the day.

The night was not so long
nor dreams so few.
Hope gave birth to Promise.

The sun woke me with a kiss,
embraced me with joy.
Sweet mercies new once more.

I stand upon the precipice of not yet
and lean into the wind.

Blow! Harder still...

I am not afraid.
I am loved.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I feel the sand slipping between my fingers
the tide is rolling in
my castle will soon be gone
I watch the sun dipping slowly

Will you come again in the morning?

I wonder.
I hope.
I believe.

The moon hangs softly above
stars twinkle in twilight

Run your course. Shine. Shine brightly.
I will watch for the morning

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Lake House is Gone

Fire Destroys Johnny Cash's Lake House in Hendersonville, TN

I was saddened to learn this morning that the famous and much beloved home of Johnny & June Carter Cash burned yesterday. I don't know if everyone could appreciate it, but it would be the equivalent of Graceland burning down a couple years after Elvis died. The house held a lot of wonderful memories for Johnny & June and played a prominent role in the movie Walk the Line and music video for Hurt. In that same music video there were gripping shots of the House of Cash museum in disrepair contrasted with Johnny's aging body. I wondered how Johnny would have reacted to the news today. I suppose although devastated he would recognize it as part of the cycle of life and death. Whether bodies or our homes they are only temporary residences that will soon be empty.

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