Secco-Bertani Valpolicella
I had committed to merge my wine blog with this one but have been lax in posting tasting notes lately. I recently tried a new Italian wine, Secco-Bertani Valpolicella. I readily confess to being new to Italian and French wine. Varietal names have spoiled American wine newbies with their simplicity, and though I am a Cajun, my French is lacking and my Italian is worse. I'm familiar with Piedmont Moscato, Barbera d'Asti, and Barolo. Valpolicella is a new one for me, and I'm not even sure how to categorize it appropriately other than to say it's good stuff. It is reminiscent of a Chianti's lingering smoky finish but softer. It is mildly fruity and dry, which I like, with a rich spicy aroma. Overall, it's not a heavy wine, like Syrah, but somewhere between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. I had it with stuffed chicken marsala, and it paired well. For red meat I would still lean toward Cabernet Sauvignon or Chianti. Salute!