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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

17 More Months?

Is it really necessary to wait until next November to replace Pres. Bush? Even then it won't be until mid-January when his successor would take office, then a couple months to get the new cabinet installed and confirmed. By this rate it would be two years before change would take place. I say if American Idol can hold a vote in four hours and release the results the next day, so can the American electorate. Let's line up all the candidates, have Simon rake them over, then let us vote. A Bush resignation or impeachment would help nothing with Cheney and Pelosi in line for the throne. At the rate Bush is going we're going to restart the Cold War in a few weeks. It's time to go back to Crawford and chop some wood. I say voting begins at 9pm/8pm Central. Don't forget you can vote as many times as you like!

1 comment:

Lyndon said...

My thanks to The Town Talk for publishing this post.

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