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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Garden Pictures

Thought I'd share a few pictures after my last garden update. The zucchini is producing well, as you can see. Almost overnight, they double in size to these giant 12" long 2" thick monsters, which are surprisingly still fairly tender. You will notice in the middle of the stems an example of the blossom end rot I blogged about. The fungicide and thinning have definitely improved the plants but some fungi is still a problem.

The tomatoes are producing like crazy. There are several large clusters of tomatoes on every plant, like the ones seen here. They are beautiful without any blemishes. The rust problem seems to be contained by carefully removing any affected leaves after they're spotted. The cherry tomatoes have grown over 7 feet tall and are loaded with tomatoes.

The jalapeƱos are about two inches long, bright, and shiny, just like the bell peppers, but my cucumbers are still struggling. I'm worried that they've got bacterial wilt caused by cucumber beetles early in the season, which is untreatable at this stage. We'll just have to wait and see.

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