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Monday, April 10, 2006

Fresh Revelations

I started reading a demythologized biography of St. Patrick the week of the patron Saint's holiday and finished it today at the dentist's office. I learned today that Hibernia is a variation of the native name for Ireland, so the green theme color of Hibernia National Bank must be a cultural statement and not a slight of hand to make you see cash. Somehow the brand transition to Capital One doesn't quite have the same folk appeal, unless you count the Vikings' prod, "What's in your wallet?"

On a slightly more serious note I was drinking a wonderful Cabernet-Merlot blend from Washington State reading Proverbs and Ecclesiastes this evening when I found an awesome verse which I've also added to the top of my blog,

With the help of a bottle of wine and all the wisdom I could muster,
I tried my level best to penetrate the absurdity of life.
~ Ecclesiastes 2:3, The Message

How cool is that? You've got to love Solomon and Eugene Peterson, don't you? They go together just like a Cab-Merlot. One final quote to share,

The words of the wise prod us to live well.
They're like nails hammered home, holding life together.
They are given by God, the one Shepherd.
~ Ecclesiastes 12:11, The Message

My friend, Sim Church Planter, first introduced me to the name Gotthammer, which he explained was an obvious adaptation of "God's hammer." The origin of that expression fails me at the moment, but how succinctly this verse makes it clear. Words are powerful, even life changing. When crafted carefully they drive home the point and endure. Less any wordsmith become vain, we must not forget that truly wise words are gifts from God. We are but the hammer, albeit, a little hammer, that drives them home.

Let us thank Him for the words He gives.
Let us thank Him for the nails that hold life together.
Let us thank Him for the Word He gave.
Let us thank Him for the love that held Him there.
God make us a hammer in thy hand.

1 comment:

Lyndon said...

Here's a link to the blog my friend read about Gotthammer

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