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Friday, January 27, 2006

Brown Emerges But Leaves No Clue

Aaron Brown, former CNN host of NewsNight, emerged from the abyss of cancellation recently in a public speech highlighted in this article, "Broadcaster says serious news at risk." Many Brown fans, myself included, have seen hide nor hair of him since his departure from CNN and have been on the lookout for where he might go next. This article is the first inside look at his personal take on the business as a whole since leaving the network. I personally found Brown's style of broadcast journalism inviting and balanced. He made the viewers feel like they were at his table drinking coffee engaged in a dialogue on the issues. After hearing from so many pundits throughout the cycle of the news day, NewsNight was always a refreshing commentary in the evening to gain a perspective on the day. While the article gave no insight into where Brown's career might take him, we will keep our eyes and ears open. Good luck, Aaron!

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